Assessment and Tracking of UNDP Country Program Indicators – SUDAN


This project provided an independent and regular means for measuring progress towards UNDP’s development outcomes enshrined in the Sudan Country Programme Action Plan (CPAP) by providing evidence based data for future monitoring and evaluation activities including midterm and terminal evaluations. The project was made up of three periodic studies which were sequenced throughout the CPAP period 2009-2012 and constituted one baseline study and two follow-up indicator tracking studies. The exercise provided both quantitative and qualitative data, based on rigorous, objective assessment standards, which were utilized to

  • Provide baseline values and monitor a set of key indicators to inform UNDP programming and stakeholders on the status of development results and factors influencing them;
  • Monitor and track over a multi-year period progress towards the achievement of CPAP-based development results at the outcome and where the appropriate output level;
  • Provide evidence based data as a basis for management decisions in relation to fine-tuning programme development and strategy;
  • Create an information base relating to programme results, which can be utilized to inform substantive final evaluation exercises and subsequent programming;
  • Provide information to national counterparts, UN Agencies and other national stakeholders and create an evidence based platform which can promote policy dialogue and debate on the UNDP’s support to Sudan’s national development goals.
  • Capture lessons learned and analyse issues through monitoring trends in programme development.
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