Development Sanabel Five Year Strategic Business Plan 2019 – 2024


The objective of the assignment is to support the organizational transformation of SANIBEL to respond to the rapidly changing needs of the Arab microfinance sector and more specifically of its members through the facilitation of key stakeholders and members retreat and the development of a Five Years Detailed Strategic Business Plan.

Specific Objectives:

  1. Examine the potential development of Sanabel’s target sector;
  2. Analyze the competitive landscape and new players;
  3. Create a gap analysis, addressing stakeholders’ expectations;
  4. Conduct a gap analysis of current tools and technology used by Sanabel;
  5. Identify strategic partnerships and programs that empower Sanabel’s operations;
  6. Assist Sanabel in updating their vision and mission;
  7. Develop a five-year strategic business plan for Sanabel 2019-2024.

Project’s Components/Outcomes:

  • A gap assessment report for Sanabel’s products, services, tools and techniques, and technology, needed to ensure it remains at the forefront of actors advancing financial inclusion in the target region;
  • Strategic planning workshop in Egypt, including minutes and discussion notes;

Refined a five-year strategic business plan for the institution to implement the STEP project and adapt to the continuously changing needs of the sector.

Description of Actual Services Provided:


  • Review of reports, secondary data, and preparation of key questions;
  • Interviews with Sanabel staff, board members, and full/affiliated members;
  • Data analysis and reporting preliminary findings;
  • Sanabel strategic planning retreat with recommendations to develop an approach to develop digital services, increase IT agility and enhance Sanabel’s ability to offer digital services remotely;
  • Strategy concept note preparation;
  • Drafting a high-level plan/strategic business plan for Sanabel till 2024;
  • Prepare and moderate a two-day strategic planning workshop with the Sanabel Board & Strategy Committee to present the findings of the gap assessment and provide recommendations for matching the target groups’ needs and expectations;
  • Support Sanabel in developing a strategy for a five-year high-level plan, including conceptualizing the products to be offered to their current stakeholders and potential new members, encompassing details of how such products can be developed and marketed;

Support Sanabel in identifying strategic partnerships as well as programs to empower it & ensure its sustainability.

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