Employment Promotion Program- Labor Market Needs Assessment on Skills for Green Jobs

The main objective of the assignment was to assess the labour market needs in the following industrial sectors in Greater Cairo to cover current and future activities anticipated.

  • Building material production for green construction (energy efficient building)
  • Energy efficient transportation (e.g. changing from gasoline to natural gas)
  • Waste management and recycling
  • Energy conservation

The main activities carried out by NSCE in this assignment were as follows:

  • Conduct desk research and review secondary material related to green economy and occupations;
  • Identify and list of private sectors companies, employer’s organizations and other institutions involved directly or indirectly in green economy, categorize them;
  • Prepare a preliminary questionnaire addressed to those companies in order to identify different occupations/ skills needed. Include in the survey additional occupations/skills not related to green economy;
  • Run a pretest for the questionnaire, present results to stakeholders and adapt it accordingly;
  • Run a survey among selected companies;
  • Identify institutions that are delivering programmes related to green economy;
  • Present draft bilingual report (En. and Ar.) to stakeholders and fill missing gaps;
  • Present final bilingual report (En. and Ar.) to stakeholders
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