GCF GEFF Green SME Loan Facility consultant for the Green National Bank of Egypt (NBE)

Description of Project:

The project is the operation of a loan of up to EUR 100 million from the EBRD through the Participating Financial Institution (PFI) and the National Bank of Egypt (NBE). The facility aims to support SME borrowers to make energy and resource efficiency investments that would allow them to become more sustainable as well as increase their competitiveness. The project’s approach is also gender sensitive, with an integrated gender and social inclusion action plan. The project will be implemented starting July 2020 through 2023.

The project’s activities include:

Establishment and standardization of an operations manual and quality assurance manual;
Conducting a gender baseline assessment and corresponding gender action plan;
Marketing strategy56 and plan to engage SMEs and promote the credit line;
Training for PFI (NBE) through a training and capacity building program;
Training on product development;
Monitoring of the facility through assessment reports.

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