Final Evaluation of the Postal Initiative Project to Improve Migrant Money Transfer in Africa (IPM)

Funded by the European Union, Positive Planet had set up the Postal Initiative for Migrants in Africa (IPM) project for the 2013-2016 period.

The main objectives of the IPM Project were:

  • Provide migrants with improved formal, safe and cheap money transfer offers, both North to South and South to South, by upgrading the International Express Money Order service offered by the postal network;
  • Valorize money transfers by directing them towards saving and insurance financial products that will generate positive externalities for the migrants and their families.
  • Raise migrants’ and migrants families’ awareness about money transfer optimization.


The specific objectives of the project were :

  • Increase the capacity of postal operators in Mali, Burkina Faso and Cameroon to offer cash transfer services corresponding to the needs of migrants and their families, by helping to strengthen the International Express Mandate by standardizing, monitoring and strengthening its implementation, design of a complementary financial offer (savings and insurance) and dissemination of best practices by deploying targeted financial education activities.

Objective of Project

1) Evaluated the project’s performance: its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability;

2) Assessed the extent to which the money transfer service offered by Posts actually met the needs of migrants;

3) Evaluated the impact of the financial education awareness campaign on beneficiaries.

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