Kitchener Drain Depollution – Drain Rehabilitation Project

The Project is one of three components forming an integrated depollution programme aiming at the depollution of the Kitchener Drain through investments in (i) water and sanitation; (ii) solid waste, and (iii) drains and canals infrastructure. It will be the first of its kind in Egypt by adopting an integrated approach to tackle several sources of pollution at once.

The consultants support the PIU and the Implementing Entities in all aspects of Project implementation, including mainly preparation of all kinds of reports as required and according to the format of the financing agencies, set-up, establish and execution of a monitoring and evaluation system for progress and impact of project activities/interventions, as well as whenever required preparation of: design, technical specifications, tender documentation, assistance with tendering, tender evaluation and contract finalization, administration and supervision of some contracts implementation including the implementation of the Environmental and Social Action Plan (“ESAP”), as well as set up of the disbursement system, the MWRI-PIU intends to hire a reputable consultancy firm or consortium of consultancy firms (hereinafter the “Consultant”).

Overall Kitchener Drain Depollution and Rehabilitation Project

The Kitchener Drain Depollution and Rehabilitation Project (KDDRP) is the overarching project environment of which the current Kitchener Drain Rehabilitation Component (KDRC) forms an integral part. This Inception Report pertains to the KDRC, but to optimize its outcomes and maximize the component‟s contribution to the overall project‟s intended impacts, we have first analyzed how all components are intended to collaborate and jointly achieve the intended impacts

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