Egyptian-German Water Management Reform Program

NSCE was sub contracted by IP consult to provide a management and human resource expert to the Egyptian-German Water Management Reform Program.

The objectives of WA2 (Training and Human Resources Development) of this program were to strengthen the departments and personnel responsible for human resources development in MWRI.

Services Provided by NSCE

  • Guidance and assistance in  setting up a HR database and supporting the counterpart team and the International Short Term Expert in monitoring and documenting the HR data management approach.
  • Elaboration of the HR indicator system and identification of HR Key Performance Indicators.
  • Participation and contribution to dissemination and up-scaling activities for HR statistics and indicators.
  • Setting up a HR glossary
  • On-going knowledge sharing and stimulation of experience exchange.
  • Contribution to the learning platform of the working area, including development and delivery of HRM / D competency based training programs.
  • Recommendations of  mandates and related functions for HRD Sector for MWRI.
  • Guide the implementation of job analysis and job description techniques for the HR Development Sector of MWRI.
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