Description of Project:
A joint venture of MDF and NSCE signed a contract with the Ministry of International Cooperation to build the capacities and enhance skills of the staff of the Ministry of International Cooperation (MOIC) in the fields of Official Development Assistance (ODA) Management, Information Technology (IT), Business Skills and Stakeholder Outreach.
Description of Actual Services Provided:
MDF/NSCE consortium is responsible for developing and delivering a comprehensive integrated training program, including building an integrated e-learning training platform on the Ministry’s intranet with training materials for self-learning, in the fields of Information Technology and Business Soft Skills that equip the staff of MOIC (Senior Managers, Senior Officers, Middle Managers, and Middle Officers, Juniors, and Administrative staff) with the needed tools for enhancing the overall performance of the Ministry.
The following training modules are developed and implemented;
- Module 1: Result Based Management (Senior Level)
- Module 2: Official Development Assistance Management
- Module 3: ODA management – Financial inclusion & SMEs
- Module 4: ODA management – Agriculture and Irrigation Sector
- Module 5: ODA management – Electricity Sector
- Module 6: ODA management – Education Sector
- Module 7: ODA management – Health Sector
- Module 8: ODA management – Infrastructure Sector
- Module 9: Training of Trainers
- Module 10: Basic and Advanced Microsoft Word
- Module 11: Basic Excel Spreadsheet
- Module 12: Basic Presentations
- Module 13: Soft skills & Business Skills Course (All Staff)
- Module 14: Advanced Soft Skills & Business Skills I – for Officers
- Module 15: Advanced Soft Skills & Business Skills II for Senior Staff
- Module 16: Basic Negotiation skills
- Module 17: Advanced Negotiation skills for International Development
- Module 18: Effective Change Management
- Module 19: Project Monitoring and Evaluation (Senior/Middle Level)
- Module 20: Mastering Social Media—Effective outreach to stakeholders