Description of the Project:


NDP III is part of the National Drainage Program NDP. The NDP seeks to optimize the use of water by improving the efficiency of the drainage system on a national scale. The National Drainage Programme (NDP) is a component of Egypt’s National Water Resources Strategy (NWRS) and one of the most important means to ensure the productivity of the country’s irrigated lands. It shall prevent waterlogging in the fields and elevated groundwater tables which lead to salinization and negatively impact on crop yields. Stabilizing and/or improving yields will help to secure and increase revenues of the rural population and contribute to increased food security and poverty reduction in general.  NDP III is aiming to strengthen EPADP’s / MWRI’s implementation and maintenance capacity on the basis of an initial need assessment and taking account of the lessons learned of NDP II.


Project’s Components/Outcomes:

•   Implementing NDP III according to schedule and in due quality including improvement of drainage-contract management

•   Improving EPADP’s operational and maintenance concepts

•   Increasing the involvement of the private sector in the supply of drainage pipes

•   Improving farmers’ participation in planning, supervision of works, and maintenance of drainage infrastructure

•   Improving EPADP’s Monitoring and Evaluation on drainage works’ impact

•   Improving monitoring of EPADP’s environmental and social standards

•   Support EPADP in procuring works, goods, and services

•   Improving EPADP’s interfaces with other MWRI units such as the Irrigation Department (ID) and the Mechanical and Electrical Department (MED), as well as with MALR

•    Improving the Management Information System (MIS) and planning support systems

•   Monitoring the program impact

•   Procuring hard and software for the MIS further and the planning support system according to the determined requirements.

•   Fine-tuning and improving the JISA methodology

•   Training for the Planning Sector and the major 8 contracting entities within the MWRI

•   Assisting the Planning Sector in establishing an effective dialogue and communication on the implementation of JISA o within the MWRI between; the MWRI, MARL, MolC and MoF and MWRI and the development partner sub-group for water

•   The assessment of available and the procurement of needed IT equipment required for the implementation of the JISA.